Dipak Thapa born in Dhading, the CEO of Himalayan Recreation has been in the Tourism field for decades. Mr Dipak growing as a child into a mature adult in Nepal’s tourism sector took shape in the kind of environment that he grew up in, but before he could enter the highly competitive tourism profession in Nepal’s tourism structure, he came to Kathmandu to do his college studies after completing his higher education in his home district of Dhading. He started his career as a trekking guide & now he’s running a Trekking company as a CEO. Mr Thapa hasn’t looked back for a moment but went on to grow into a well-known company escorting trekkers and tourists through some of the most challenging ventures on the vast Himalayas of Nepal’s tourism landscapes. He is a very sociable person who believes in giving to others rather than receiving. This belief of him has led him to do lots of Social work for the betterment of our society. He went on to volunteer and support education and health projects in his home district and other corners of the various remote regions he visited by contributing a portion of his profits to the development of children who were less fortunate in life.
Dipak Thapa