Everest Base Camp Trek in November: Ultimate Guide & Experience

  • Barsha Thapa
  • Last Updated on Jun 24, 2024

Trekking to Everest Base Camp in November offers a unique combination of advantages that make it an ideal time for this adventure. 

November marks the end of the post-monsoon season in Nepal, ensuring stable weather with clear, crisp skies that provide breathtaking panoramic views of the Himalayan peaks. 

Compared to the peak trekking month, the trails are less crowded. November allows for a more serene and personal experience amidst the majestic mountains.

Additionally, the temperatures are manageable, neither too cold nor too warm, making for a comfortable trekking environment. 

Cultural experiences are enriched during this time as local festivals like Tihar and Mani Rimdu are celebrated, giving trekkers a chance to immerse themselves in the vibrant traditions of the Sherpa people. 

November’s trekking conditions offer optimal visibility and the perfect blend of tranquillity and adventure, making it an unforgettable time to visit Everest Base Camp.

Everest Base Camp in November
Everest Base Camp in November

Why do you have to trek to Everest Base Camp in November?

There are various reasons for trekking to EBC in November. Some of them are:

Festivals Season

During November, people celebrate two main festivals in this region.

  • Tihar

Often called the Festival of Lights, Tihar is a five-day Hindu celebration that honours animals like crows, dogs, and cows, each on their designated day.

It features lighting oil lamps, decorating homes with colorful rangoli, and exchanging gifts and sweets.

The festival concludes with Bhai Tika, where sisters pray for their brother's long life and prosperity, symbolizing family bonds.

  • Mani Rimdu

Mani Rimdu is celebrated in Tengboche Monastery, Thame, and Chiwong monasteries, marking Buddhism's victory over the Bon religion.

The festival features elaborate masked dances, vibrant rituals, and prayers by monks, symbolizing good's victory over evil.

It embodies the Sherpa people's deep-rooted traditions and spirituality in the Everest region.


In November, the crowd at Everest Base Camp is relatively low compared to the peak trekking seasons in spring (March to May) and early autumn (September to October).

Everest Base Camp is less crowded in November, offering a quieter, more serene trekking experience as the peak tourist season winds down.


In November, the scenery at Everest Base Camp is breathtaking, featuring clear blue skies, snow-covered peaks, and vibrant valleys transitioning from the monsoon season.

The crisp, clear weather provides stunning views of the majestic Himalayas.


The climate at Everest Base Camp in November is cool and stable, with clear skies, moderate daytime temperatures, and cold nights, offering excellent trekking conditions and spectacular visibility of the surrounding peaks.

Stupas in Everest
Stupas in Everest


Highlights of Everest Base Camp Trek in November

  • You can witness spectacular mountain views.

  • Comfortable trekking conditions with fewer crowds.

  • Experience high-altitude adventure.

  • Trekking through a diverse landscape

  • Photographic opportunities with a picturesque background.

  • Cultural and historical insights.

Challenges of Everest Base Camp in November

  • Altitude Sickness: The high altitude can cause acute mountain sickness (AMS), characterized by headaches, nausea, and fatigue, necessitating careful acclimatization and awareness of symptoms.

  • Cold temperature: As November progresses, temperatures can drop significantly, especially at night, reaching below freezing, which requires appropriate gear and preparation.

  • Reduce Amenities: With fewer trekkers, some teahouses and facilities may have limited services or might be closed, requiring planning for accommodation and supplies.

  • Limited Daylight: Shorter days mean less daylight for trekking, requiring early starts and efficient time management to reach destinations before dark.

  • Full Blog on : Everest Base Camp Trek Difficulty

One of our trekker in Everest trek
One of our trekker on Everest trek

Weather and Temperature during the trek to EBC in November

Trekkers should be prepared for varying weather conditions and ensure they have appropriate clothing and gear to stay warm and comfortable throughout their journey.

Here's the weather and temperature information for Everest Base Camp in November, separated into two distinct sections:




Daytime Temperature

Typically, it ranges from 5 degrees to 15 degrees C (41 to 59 degrees F)

Nighttime Temperature

Can drop to freezing, especially in high elevations.




Weather Condition

Generally stable with clear skies, providing excellent visibility


Occasional snowfall or storms towards the end of the month.

Altitude Consideration

Temperatures decrease with altitude; they are colder at high elevations.

Itinerary for Everest Base Camp Hike in November

The number of days required to trek to Everest Base Camp in November typically ranges from 12 to 14 days. This duration allows for a gradual ascent to higher altitudes, essential acclimatization periods, and the flexibility to adjust for weather conditions or individual paces.

  • Day 1: Arrive in Kathmandu, transfer to the hotel, and explore the city.
  • Day 2:Fly to Lukla, Trek to Phakding (2,610m / 8,563ft)
  • Day 3: Phakding to Namche Bazaar (3,440m / 11,286ft) Trek along the Dudh Koshi River, enter Sagarmatha National Park and ascend to Namche Bazaar.
  • Day 4: Acclimatization Day in Namche Bazaar, Acclimatization Hike to Everest View Hotel, Khumjung Village, and Exploration of Namche Bazaar.
  • Day 5: Namche Bazaar to Tengboche (3,867m / 12,687ft), Trek through forests and villages, and Visit Tengboche Monastery, which views Mt. Everest, Lhotse, and Ama Dablam.
  • Day 6: Tengboche to Dingboche (4,360m / 14,300ft), Descend through forests to the Imja River and ascend to Dingboche, with views of Island Peak.
  • Day 7: Acclimatization Day in Dingboche, acclimatization hike to Nangkartshang Peak or exploration of Dingboche village.
  • Day 8: Trek to Lobuche (4,940m / 16,207ft), Trek through the moraine of Khumbu Glacier, with views of peaks including Nuptse.
  • Day 9: Trek to Gorak Shep (5,160m / 16,929ft), Hike to Everest Base Camp (5,364m / 17,598ft) Trek to Gorak Shep, lunch, then hike to Everest Base Camp. Return to Gorak Shep overnight.
  • Day 10: Hike from Gorak Shep to Kala Patthar (5,545m / 18,192ft), descend to Pheriche (4,280m / 14,042ft), hike to Kala Patthar from Gorak Shep for sunrise views of Everest, then descend to Pheriche.
  • Day 11: Trek to Namche Bazaar, descend through Pangboche and Tengboche, then gradually back to Namche Bazaar.
  • Day 12 and 13: Trek to Lukla to Kathmandu, Descend from Namche Bazaar to Lukla, reflecting on the journey and celebrating with the team, Fly back to Kathmandu, and transfer to the hotel.
  • Day 14: Departure from Kathmandu or extend your stay to explore more of Nepal.
View of Everest Range from Namche top
View of Everest Range from Namche top

Food and Accommodation during the EBC in November

During a trek to EBC in November, food and accommodation play crucial roles in ensuring comfort and sustenance throughout the journey.

Trekkers should anticipate a range of gastronomy options, ensuring they maintain energy levels and stay hydrated during their adventure in the Himalayas.


  • Meals: Teahouses along the trekking route typically serve meals three times a day.
  • Breakfast options often include porridge, eggs, bread, and pancakes.
  • Lunch and dinner usually consist of dal bhat (rice with lentil soup), noodles like yak noodles or Thukpa, pasta, potatoes, and a variety of vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, and carrots
  • Beverages: Hot drinks are essential for staying warm and hydrated in the cold climate.
  • Tea (such as black tea, milk tea, or herbal teas like ginger tea), coffee, hot chocolate, and hot lemon are commonly available.
  • Snacks: Along the trekking route, teahouses may offer snacks such as biscuits, energy bars, chocolates, nuts, and locally made items like Tibetan bread or samosas.These snacks can be a quick energy boost during breaks.

Note: It’s better not to have meat or any meat products, mostly at high altitudes.


  • Teahouses: Teahouses are the primary form of accommodation during the trek, ranging from basic lodges with simple, often dormitory-style rooms to more comfortable options with private rooms. Bedding is usually basic with provided blankets, and bathroom facilities, commonly squat toilets, are often shared.
  • Facilities: Some teahouses may have attached bathrooms with hot showers available for an extra fee. Electricity is usually available, but it may be limited and may come from solar panels or generators.

  • Availability: In November, as the peak trekking season winds down, there may be fewer trekkers on the trail, which could mean more availability in teahouses. However, it's still advisable to book accommodation in advance, especially at popular stops like Namche Bazaar and Gorak Shep.

Helicopter in Everest

Planning for the Everest Base Camp trek in November

Planning for an Everest Base Camp hike in November requires thorough preparation to navigate the challenges and capitalize on the stunning landscapes of the Himalayas.

Begin by securing international flights to Kathmandu and obtaining essential trekking permits in advance. Physical preparation is crucial, focusing on cardiovascular fitness and strength training to endure long days of trekking at high altitudes.

Pack wisely with layers of clothing for varying temperatures, sturdy boots, and essential gear like a quality sleeping bag and trekking backpack. Consider travel insurance covering high-altitude trekking and emergency evacuation.

Choose a suitable trekking route and itinerary, allowing for acclimatization days in Namche Bazaar and Dingboche to mitigate altitude sickness risks.

Budget for permits, accommodations, meals, and incidentals; carry local currency for small purchases. Stay informed about weather forecasts and partner with a reputable trekking agency for guidance, safety, and cultural insights.

What should you pack for the trek to Everest Base Camp in November?

Packing for the Everest Base Camp trek in November requires careful consideration due to the colder temperatures, potential for snow, and shorter daylight hours.

Here's a comprehensive list of items to pack to ensure you stay warm, safe, and comfortable:


  • Base Layers
  • Insulating Layers
  • Outer Layers
  • Trekking Pants
  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • Hats and Gloves
  • Footwear:

Gear and Accessories

  • Backpack: 40–50L backpack with a rain cover.
  • Sleeping Gear: 4-season sleeping bag rated for -10°C to -15°C; sleeping bag liner for added warmth.
  • Trekking Poles: Adjustable trekking poles for stability and support.
  • Hydration: water bottles or a hydration bladder (at least 2 liters in capacity), water purification tablets, or a filter.
  • Headlamp: With extra batteries for early starts or late arrivals.
  • Sunglasses: UV-protection, a wrap-around style to protect against snow glare.
  • Sunscreen and lip balm: high SPF to protect against sunburn at high altitudes.
  • Personal Care Items: biodegradable soap and shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste; wet wipes and hand sanitizer; personal medications and a basic first aid kit, blister care items like moleskin or blister pads.
  • Miscellaneous: Trekking map and guidebook, Cash for lodges and tips (ATMs are scarce), Snacks and energy bars, Lightweight travel towel, Camera or smartphone for photos,Power bank and spare batteries.
  • Emergency Supplies: Whistle, emergency blanket, basic first aid kit (including altitude sickness medication like Diamox).


  • TIMS (Trekkers' Information Management System) card.
  • Sagarmatha National Park entry permit.
  • If you are planning to take a drone, then you have to get a permit first.
  • Passport (with photocopies).
  • Travel insurance details (make sure it covers high-altitude trekking).

Optional Items

  • Crampons
  • Camera Gear
  • Journal and Pen
  • Reading Material
  • Portable Solar Charger
  • Hand Warmers
Everest View from Kala Patthar in November
Everest View from Kala Patthar in November

Travel Insurance for November to EBC hike

Travel insurance for an Everest Base Camp trek in November is essential due to the high risks of altitude sickness, cold weather, and unpredictable conditions.

Ensure your policy covers trekking up to 6,000 meters, includes emergency medical and helicopter evacuation, and provides for trip cancellations or delays.

Coverage for lost or damaged gear and specific high-altitude activities is also crucial.

This insurance will protect you against the potential health and logistical issues you might face on this challenging trek.

Tips for a successful Everest Base Camp Trek in November

Pre-Trip Preparation

Physical Training

  • Cardiovascular Fitness: Incorporate regular cardio workouts such as hiking, running, or cycling to build endurance.
  • Strength Training: Focus on building leg strength with exercises like squats, lunges, and stair climbing.
  • Flexibility and Balance: Include yoga or stretching exercises to improve flexibility and balance.
  • Altitude Training: If possible, train at higher altitudes or use altitude simulators to acclimatize your body.

Research and Planning

  • Route Familiarization: Understand the daily distances, elevation changes, and key landmarks on the trail.

  • Weather Patterns: November can be cold, with potential snowfall. Research typical weather conditions to pack accordingly.

  • Permits: Obtain necessary permits such as the TIMS card and Sagarmatha National Park entry permit.

Health Check-Up

  • Medical Clearance: Get a medical check-up to ensure you're fit for high-altitude trekking.

  • Vaccinations: Update vaccinations as needed, including tetanus, typhoid, and hepatitis A.

  • Medications: Carry necessary medications and consult your doctor about taking altitude sickness medication like Diamox.


  • Layered Clothing: Pack clothing for layering to adapt to temperature changes.

  • Quality Gear: Invest in high-quality gear such as a down jacket, waterproof boots, and a sleeping bag rated for low temperatures.

  • Essentials: Include a first aid kit, water purification tablets, trekking poles, and a headlamp.

On-Trek Strategies

Pace Yourself:

  • Slow and Steady: Walk at a steady pace to conserve energy and allow your body to acclimatize.

  • Rest Days: Take scheduled acclimatization days to help your body adjust to higher altitudes.

Hydration and Nutrition:

  • Drink Plenty of Water: Aim to drink at least 3–4 liters of water per day to stay hydrated.

  • Balanced Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Include snacks like nuts, energy bars, and dried fruits.

  • Avoid Alcohol: Avoid alcohol, as it can dehydrate you and worsen altitude sickness.


  • Climb High, Sleep Low: If possible, take short hikes to higher altitudes during acclimatization days.

  • Monitor Symptoms: Be aware of symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Descend if symptoms worsen.

Safety and Health

  • Watch the Weather: Stay informed about weather forecasts to avoid trekking during storms or heavy snowfall.

  • Sun Protection: Use sunscreen, wear sunglasses, and cover up to protect against UV rays at high altitudes.

  • Hygiene: Maintain good hygiene to avoid gastrointestinal issues. Use hand sanitizer and avoid untreated water.

Mental Preparation and Support

Positive Mindset:

  • Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude, even during challenging parts of the trek.

  • Set Realistic Goals: Focus on daily goals rather than the entire trek to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Team Support:

  • Trek with Others: Trekking in a group can provide motivation and support. It’s safer and more enjoyable.

  • Listen to Your Guide: Follow the advice of your guide, who knows the terrain and conditions well.

Adapt to Altitude:

  • Mental Acclimatization: Mentally prepare for the effects of altitude, such as shortness of breath and fatigue.

  • Rest When Needed: Don’t push yourself too hard. Take breaks and rest when necessary.

Equipment and Logistics

Proper Gear:

  • Footwear: Ensure your boots are well-broken-in and comfortable.

  • Trekking Poles: Use trekking poles for stability and to reduce strain on your knees.


  • Maps and Apps: Carry a physical map and consider using trekking apps for navigation.

  • Know Key Points: Familiarize yourself with key checkpoints and villages on the route.

Money and Communication:

  • Cash: Carry enough cash, as ATMs are scarce and not always reliable.

  • Stay connected: Use local SIM cards or satellite phones for communication in remote areas.


  • Book in advance: November can still be busy, so book teahouses in advance if possible.

  • Teahouse Etiquette: Respect local customs and teahouse rules.

Cultural Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness

Respect Local Culture:

  • Learn Basic Phrases: Learning basic Nepali phrases can help in communicating with locals.

  • Respect Customs: Dress modestly and respect local customs and traditions.

Leave No Trace:

  • Minimize Waste: Carry reusable items and dispose of waste properly.

  • Respect Nature: Stick to marked trails to minimize environmental impact.

Kalapatthar with Sunrise view at Everest
Kalapatthar with Sunrise view at Everest

FAQs about the November Trek

What is the cost of the Everest Base Camp Trek in November?

The cost of the Everest Base Camp trekdepends on many factors; anyway, you can expect about 1200–1600 USD for a group trip.

Do I need a guide for the EBC trek in November?

While it's possible to trek independently, hiring a guide is highly recommended for safety, navigation, and cultural insights.

Is there internet and phone service in the trek?

Yes, you can find internet and phone services in most villages along the trail, although the service can be slow and unreliable.

What are the toilets and shower facilities like on the trek?

Toilet facilities are generally basic, with squat toilets being common in many teahouses. Showers are available at an additional cost, typically with hot water.

Is November a good time to trek to Everest base camp?

Yes, November is a good time to trek for Everest Base Camp.

Will I encounter snow on the trek in November?

While it’s not guaranteed, snow is possible in November, especially at higher altitudes like Gorak Shep and Everest Base Camp.


Trekking to Everest Base Camp in November is a truly unforgettable adventure. The clear skies and stunning landscapes make every step worthwhile. While the colder weather and shorter days can be challenging, the tranquility and beauty of the trail during this season provide a unique and rewarding experience.

Standing at the base of the world's highest peak, you'll feel a profound sense of accomplishment. The breathtaking views, the camaraderie with fellow trekkers, and the rich Sherpa culture will leave a lasting impression on your heart.

Whether you're an experienced trekker or a first-timer, the November trek to Everest Base Camp is a chance to push your limits and witness the grandeur of the Himalayas. Prepare well, embrace the journey, and savor every moment of this once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

Favorite Itineraries in Everest for November

For additional information, you can contact the Himalayan Recreation Team. We will be open for you 24/7.

Barsha Thapa

Barsha Thapa

Barsha Thapa is our competent team member, currently pursuing her studies at Public Youth Campus. Since 2022, she has been a dedicated part of Himalayan Recreation, where she contributes her skills and enthusiasm to promoting the wonders of Nepal.

Inspired by her colleague Jyoti, a travel enthusiast and expert content creator, Barsha has developed a deep passion for sharing the beauty and culture of the majestic Himalayas. Her role at Himalayan Recreation allows her to combine her academic pursuits with her love for travel and nature.

Committed to showcasing Nepal's unique experiences, Barsha assists in content creation and planning unforgettable journeys, ensuring that every traveler experiences the true essence of Nepal.

When she is not immersed in her studies or work, Barsha enjoys exploring new trails, discovering hidden gems, and immersing herself in the serene landscapes of Nepal. The mountains have become a significant part of her life, fueling her passion and drive to connect with nature and inspire others to do the same.

As a part of the Himalayan Recreation family, Barsha is always eager to share her knowledge and help fellow travelers create lasting memories. Feel free to contact her via WhatsApp or email; she is available online 24/7 for any inquiries or travel plans.

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